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Thursday, January 20, 2011


Accounting only for small economic units. There are two terms that need to be distinguished here, namely financial accounting (financial accounting) and management accounting (management accounting). Specific financial accounting related to the provision of financial information for those not directly involved (shareholders, creditors) or other parties that also interested but not directly involved in company operations (eg trade unions or consumer groups). Dish shape information itself is usually a financial balance sheet (an exposition of all the assets and liabilities at a particular time point) and income statement (statement of income, expenditure and income during the period / period of time), and a number of records and supporting documents. In most countries, the form of financial accounting reports for the company standardized through formal regulation, and its contents must be inspected and certified by independent auditors. In some countries, accounting standards are also unified by the association's official accounting profession, or by an institution. Technical imbalance that will lead to information asymmetry between providers and users of information. Without such inspections, honesty and accuracy of the report will be questioned, since there is always a strong temptation for the author to make it in such a way that does not reflect reality, but more in line with its own interests. There also is the provision of management accounting inforrnasi for the party leadership or management in an economic unit, to help them conduct the planning, decision making, and supervision. Because the planning and decision making that is closely related to the future, management accounting reports are often contains projections for the future, commonly called the budget (budget). Some of them are the most important being the capital budget (capital budgeting), the rate of investment in the future, and the cash budget (cash budgeting) is estimated inflows and cash outflows (cash inflows and outflows) and the implications for business operations. MAS is also associated with the supervision and assessment of the results of realization of the budget or previous plans. From this analysis led to analyze the costs, and measure the effectiveness and efficiency of company operations, be it a sub-unit, or as a whole. Because the information needs for the management varies according to type of activity, size and management structure of each economic unit, and because there are no standardized rules and no audit also, the form of reports and also the techniques and procedures for the preparation of management accounting is very varied. The management has direct control over information systems in the company, so that rules rneng eye on its accounting practices not so important. But in a company or organization that is very large, asymmetric information easily occur inter misappropriation of information and opportunities that benefit one of the sub-unit while harming another yan (for example between the head of the branch with officials at headquarters) big enough so that the internal audit system, in the case This, should be held. Both financial accounting and management accounting relies on a sistern
certain bookkeeping that records a variety of important data about transactions conducted by yanq economic unit concerned. The extent to which both can be based on the same notes, is highly dependent on the environment faced by the company / organization, as well as the will of party management. But all accounting systems basically have some rules or principles. The main one is the principle of double recording (double-entry bookkeeping). On the basis of this principle, all transactions must be recorded twice, once as a debit and once as a credit in order to balance the overall balance. The logic is that each transaction could be viewed as a debit (increase the value of assets), or vice versa as a credit (reduction of assets). For example, debt. This adds to credit, because it increases the payment obligation for owners to outsiders, but also allow owners to add production capacity. This custom originated from the practice of recording the merchants in Italy in the fifteenth century. This principle remains valid, although the bookkeeping was done by computer using a matrix format (no longer two separate page as in traditional accounts). Overall accounting system made in such a way as to prevent fraud and negligence, and this is a very important aspect for the accountants. Traditionally, orientation focused on the accounting records of each transaction on the basis of historical cost, or in units and price when the transaction itself occurred. Thus, any assets / assets will be recorded in accordance with the price paid. However, inflationary pressures and price changes are more frequent today insisted on a review of the relevance and usefulness of these historical cost. Hence inflation accounting (accounting inflation) is now increasingly important. Diusul out for historical costs were reviewed periodically to better reflect prevailing nilainva Leaves middle, and was associated with a general price index for may also reflect the impact of inflation on the value of monetary units (money) which is used as the unit count. This appeal is directed at financial accounting, but it is expected also to be applied to management accounting.

Practices and procedures coming under increasing financial accounting required to be more transparent because the public now also feel the need to know the business operations of certain economic units, in particular organizations or companies that are financed by public money and government. There is also pressure for the calculated value is not just inanimate objects, but also to research resources and human power surnber, whose role as an instrument of profit printer is clearly not as important as the means of physical production. In fact, there are also demands for assets and the role of an economic unit for the preservation of environment and social interests are also calculated. Meanwhile, the accounting in the public sector and nonprofit organizations are also more attention. Recent progress in the account-management tansi, which are supported by computer technology, also includes the refinement of methods of mathematical statistics and operational research, and various other advanced simulation to support decision-making process. Progress is also coupled with increased attention to behavioral aspects. For example, lately has diselenggara a series of studies on human response to the budget figures and the various targets set by management accountants. Accounting field as a whole is now undergoing rapid development. both in research and practice.
increase investment in order to treat large output capacity. That was indeed one principal motive of investment, but in practice the behavior of the investors are also often influenced by various other factors such as changes in estimates, these new technologies, and so forth. So, this accelerator concept only partly explain the investment nnotif certainly can not be relied upon to understand the total investment is created. Moreover, the investment argument on the basis of capacity output like this only bertut-NPU on optimal capital stock model. To find out current investment or development, we still require the application of real coefficients can only be justified in certain cases such as in studies of investment goods industry supply conditions, or in the case of certain investment estimates. Without Didu-kung by additional assumptions like that, then we can only say that I can be larger or smaller than 0, depending on whether K is greater or smaller than Kt-t. So, the principle of accelerators will only beneficial if combined with the concept of multiplication (multiplier) that the models have been developed in order to understand the economic dynamics. The problem is, even though the models can be used to understand the causes of cyclical fluctuations (repeatedly), the application of the concept of V led to estimates of economic instability Amount of remarkable, and certainly not in accordance with the reality of everyday. This weakness can be overcome by combining the accelerator (V) with a number of determinants of investment lazirn used in models more general, or with the establishment of "upper limit''and" lower limit "fluctuations in income in its calculations for reducing excessive interaction between akse- lerator and rnultiplier. But regardless of the weakness, general models have proven useful accelerator as the basis of empirical investigation of investment behavior.

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