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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Helpful parenting or children to ngacu on government policy with regard to maintenance and child care. More generally, this term refers to the various ideas and practices relating to child care. Government agencies have long been actively involved in this activity, especially for families who for various reasons are not able to perform the function well-child care. The main concern in this function since the 1970s is the prevention of violence on children both physically and sexually. Attention is growing more and more disclosure in connection with cases of child abuse and various scandals inability of parents who often resulting in the death of children (for example the case of Maria Colwell in England in 1973). These cases raised concern about the magnitude of risk that must be borne by the children yanq parents less able to nurture. The next concern is what prompted the government to more actively provide this functionality in the 1980's and 1990's. Academic perspective, among others, put forward by Fox Harding (1991) that reviews how the state / government can help children from poor families caring. This view is related to the ideas of the larger implications of child psychology, the importance of genetic kinship, and the role of the state in general. Next comes a number of prominent perspectives. The first emphasizes the importance of families permanen independent and well established in the care of children so that this perspective does not call for increased government role in the functioning of child care. While the second perspective is more focused on the fact of poor care of children in many families, so he advocated increasing the role of government in order to protect children. The third perspective of trying to bridge the two previous perspectives by recognizing that the family is the best institution for the care of children, but we have also recognized the fact many families who are unable to protect and nurture the children so that his role had to be taken over by the government. But clearly, all perspective is emphasized that all children have the right to acquire good parenting. Meanwhile adapula fourth perspective that emphasizes the importance of children's rights as an equal party with parents and government. This right should be recognized for the sake of future generations. But there are some extreme idea in this perspective. Among others, it is said that the rights of children was identical to the rights of parents, such as the right to work (see, among others, Farson, 1978; Holt 1975). But many of those who recognize that children do have rights, but they can not be removed just like adults. How did the children require special protection and guidance that govern the requirements of home and family to care for children (eg Children Act 1989 in England); regulations prohibiting the physical punishment of children (eg Newel 1989) and the aegis of children's rights in timum as stipulated in the UN convention on the rights of children in 1989 (this is the first international legal instrument on children's rights that explicitly recognizes the right of children to speak in any process that will affect their lives (Freeman 1993). Period of the 1980s and 1990s characterized by an intense debate about the policy regarding children. On the one hand this is positive because it indicates that increased attention was toward the children. On the other hand there is an element of conflict is serious enough that the struggle between the government and parents in the matter of child care. The number of cases suggests the ability of single-parent families in the care of children like never before. Many people highlighted the lack of legal provision for fathers who abandon their obligations. It has been suggested for the father who did not join the child care bears certain penalties as defined in the Child Support Act 1991, which later become a model similar settings in the state of Wisconsin and Australia. susutnya Concern over the father role is closely related to various other social problems such as cracks broader shift in social and family norms (see Dennis and Erdos 1992). Parenting children remains a controversial area. Those who emphasize the role of parents and who see the importance of the role of the state in child care have not found a deal. This is complicated by the debate about the role of family in general, and various shifts that have occurred in society, in addition to standard care about the children themselves.

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