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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

KNOW YOUR CLOSER Noam Chomsky (1928 -)

Noam Chomsky is a language theorists, philosophers., Intellectual history, and social critics. He is one of the most influential thinkers in the modern period and one of the few scientists whose work is read very widely. Having earned a doctorate in linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1955, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who promote it as a full professor in 1961, a permanent member of the faculty council in 1966, and finally placing it as one of the members of the senate of the institute of teacher very prestigious (most members are Nobel prize winner) in 1976. Lots of famous contemporary linguistic experts today who was once his students, and many of them also gain knowledge from it (Noam guiding doctoral dissertation about a hundred to date). Most original contribution has opened the way for the development of cognitive sciences, where the model rnasih used until now. For his services was Noam accept the Kyoto prize for basic sciences category in 1988. The model is formulated specifically human language is often referred to as generative grammar (transformational) and it was a masterpiece that revived interest in the world of language study. His role is equivalent to Wilhelm von Humboldt or Otto Jespersen in generating interest in the formal sciences in the late 1930's. The formulation of the theory of linguistic function, namely the theory of computation, open the eyes of many people how the field of linguistics is an event study is interesting and important. A deep understanding of philosophy, logic. and mathematics are also allowed to use techniques that are more sophisticated in linguistics than it ever used in previous periods. Since the late 1950's, Noam also play an important role in the development of linguistic algebra, which is one branch of abstract algebra that are now part of computer science. Original theory regarding the formulation of language also becomes a foundation for the growth (since 1980) model and the principles and parameters that are very helpful improvements minimalist program in the early 1990s. This new model is the first to suggest a substantive solution of fundamental problems in language acquisition at the same time a radical breakthrough in the tradition of linguistic analysis for ribun years. But we do not quite call it a foothold generative grammar because many other important things he brought. The model also has created a variety of changes and important advances in the study of language. Various open new fields of study, so the chances of scientists driven to gain a deeper understanding and more. In addition, the rate of change and progress that took place today is still pretty fast even if measured by the standard in the 1990s, so that generative grammar in the first decade of the 20th century is still as important for now. That the minimalist program has been close to perfect at this time does not mean that the prospects for the development of linguistic studies and other related disciplines has narrowed, even as believed by Chomsky himself, the prospect of its development in the mid 1990s and subsequent periods remain open. The next important consequence of the technical work of Chomsky is strong evidence to reveal the epistemological rationalism as proposed by Chomsky himself. It's no secret that Chomsky is strongly influenced by the development of philosophy from the outset and that he turned into a serious study of the Cartesian, which he raised and he managed to update, not long after he discovered a revolutionary breakthrough. Those discoveries also enable it to move further away from critical programmatic findings from the Cartesian tradition. In other words, he not only managed to understand the tradition of thinking but also develop it. So, he helped to create a developing era of modern philosophy is not merely a continuation of the cognitive revolution in the decade of the 1950s. For Chomsky, as for Descartes, there is no significant variation among humans, despite its superficial physical aspects are quite diverse. This means that each human being has the same nature and equal. Therefore, Chomsky strongly opposed to racism, sexism, (sex differentiation) and various other inelgaliterian trends. This belief, and technical capabilities linguistic very deep, is the foundation for the success of further studies about human nature and society, including the basic concepts in human social order. But this does not mean that Chomsky is a singular figure in the study of social character, or as the creator of "universal grammar" (a new cognitive science). But his work in development studies, including in understanding the link between social interaction and linguistic structure, can not be understated. In fact, the explanation of both of these linkages and relationship with other cognitive domains, has opened new perspectives in the social sciences and humanities. His theory of social relations and politics, which seems contrary to the instincts won freedom "and encouragement of self-actualization as one of the basic human needs (as well as distinguish them from animals) tend to give a sympathetic review of the idea of ​​class struggle and the basic ideas underlying. But writing -the words "non-professional" Chomsky is more accurately described as an analysis of contemporary society, and not social or political theory, which packed with high intellectual standards. Attitudes egalitemya also often encouraged to be critical of Chomsky sepakterjang own country which is now considered the only superpower.

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